The chairman and the secretary of the International Old Catholic Bishops Conference released on Friday, April 8 an official visit to the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, Revd. Dr. Olav Tveit Fyske. They were accompanied by a priest Ioan Jebelean, the IBC representative who maintains daily contact with the World Council.
Role of Small Churches
The Secretary General discussed the role of small churches in the WCC, especially with a decline of financial resources. It is important that the smaller churches on the fringes do not disappear. The Union of Utrecht has taken leadership on this issue and wants to continue working for these smaller communities. The meeting also emphasized the contribution that the Union of Utrecht, the smallest among the Christian World Communities. It was particularly evident that universality, which represents the Union and that can be described as conciliar, synodal and episcopal. The Union is still of great importance in the ecumenical movement in its attempt to bring churches closer together. Our theological contributions are greatly appreciated at this point. Moreover, the attempt by the Old Catholic bishops conference to make connections with two other churches that identity with the Union of Utrecht and not affiliated with any other Christian World Community: Thoma Church in India and the Independent Philippine Church. It is considered a real contribution to ecumenical cooperation.
Faith and Order
On the occasion of the visit was to be an interview with the director of "Faith and Order" ("Faith and Order), Revd. Dr. John Gibaut. The delegation was pleased him a brief response to the document 'Nature and Mission of the Church.' This reaction is included in the new version of the document that is currently being prepared. Furthermore, Dr. Gibaut, impressed by the special meeting of bishops ecclesiology, the IBC prior to the Old Catholic Congress 2010 was organized for Old Catholic, Filipino and Mar Thoma bishops. He pledged to cooperate in the publication of the lectures were held during this meeting.
Catholicity and Globalization
About the project "Catholicism and Globalisation", in which Filipino, American and European theologians of Anglican and Old Catholic collaborated in a joint attempt of globalization theological approach. The delegation had a meeting with the head of the Executive Program Committee of the WCC, Dr. Guillermo Kerber. Dr. Kerber expressed his gratitude for this initiative, which-precisely because of the theological approach, a valuable contribution which the World needs now. He had been otherwise well-prepared for the interview by reading the publication that summarizes the result of reflection "Globalisation and Catholicity" (Special edition of the TQM) There were also agreed for a continuation of this project, partly because the World will be financed.
Finally, were the employees of the Executive Secretary to further discuss organizational matters such as the Czech cooperation of our sister church in the work of the world and the question of the membership application of so-called "independent Catholic churches."
Consultation IBC
The visit of the Archbishop to Switzerland on Saturday followed by a consultation with representatives of the IBC of the Synodal Councils of the member churches, the Netherlands, the Treasurer and mrs. C. Brouwer behalf of Collegiate Directors present. Subjects were the International Old Catholic Congress (frequency, purpose, content and programming) and the restructuring of the finances of the International Episcopal Conference itself. The IBC is now running even with particular contributions from the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany but also other churches. This was a clear agreement on the basis of a budget.
I happen to notice a mistake under the para "Role of Small Churches". I believe you meant " Mar Thoma Church in India". But its typed as "Thoma Church in India". Hope you will correct it soon.