Friday, April 8, 2011

The Mar Thoma Church of India visits Utrecht

Recently announced that Bishop Dr.Isaac Mar Philoxenos of the Mar Thoma Church in India visiting the Old Catholic Church in the Netherlands. He combines his visit with a meeting of the Central Committee of the WCC.

Cordially invite you to the bishops a lecture by the Bishop will be held, the lecture provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the Mar Thoma Church.
As previously stated, they are building a deepening of the relationship between the Union of Utrecht and the Mar Thoma Church. Bishop Philo Xenos is a theologian who specializes in the relationship Hinduism / Christianity that makes him an interesting speaker. During his lecture he will give a presentation of the Mar Thoma Church and its ecclesiology and will elaborate on the subject of Christians in India.

The lecture will take place on Thursday, February 24 axis in the building of the Old Catholic Church (Seminar), 3 Kon.Wilhelminlaan in Amersfoort.
Time: 19.30 - 21.30 hours, room open from 19.00 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Old Catholics and Mar Thoma Church Leaders,

    We glad to hear about this relation between Old Catholics and Mar Thoma Church.

    We hope from two sides these jurisdictions NOT only making good relationship and VERY busy in leadership level, but the most important is to do Yeshua/ Jesus Commission to go,preach, baptize and teach all nations. We see that these jurisdictions are very busy to themselves (Church Organization, clergies degrees as highest as they can get up to Doctorate! Administration and Rites). Do not you know that other countries need you to come? Don't be like a frog in the cave only.

    Look at yourself! Be shy to Protestant's believers who are very zealous in their missions, come to the poor.They go to remote areas which no one want to come! But you are very busy talking about your Apostolic Succession only and you are busy to condemn others, BUT you no actions except to do what you have had from your leadership before. You are IMPOTENT CHURCHES which one day the Lord will cut off you!!!

    Indonesia,Malaysia, New Guinea, Timor Leste, Pacific countries need you to come, but you are very busy to your own. You are very busy to keep your position, robes, and bishop rings. Go to hell you are who are nice on lips but you do nothing!!!

    Mar Thoma Church you are coward as Utrecht Old Catholic as well. Leave India, leave Holland!!! Sent your missionaries, it is time for you. You are nothing with all your possession without mission outreach, you are fossils! Your theological degrees are nothing. We do not respect to your robes, but what you do for others.

    Almost all Apostles died in suffering, but you die in nice bed with smiling. You are not the Lord's servants! But you are money servant, ecclesiastical degrees servant,theological degrees, Billboard Church name servant, and other profanes servants.

    If you are upset to this REBUKE that means you are NORMAL and having a good consciousness.

    How many centuries do you need to go reaching other nations???

    No one honor you if you do nothing to other countries. In your country might be people honor you, but here may be we stone you beacuse you are SELFISH! You get free from the Jews Apostles and you must give other nations free whatever they submitted to you! It is not your own privately but you must submit it to others because you are just a transmitter of Apostolic Succession!!!

    If you a man do Yeshua commission to other nations!

    Thank you

    In Yeshu Kristu,

    On behalf of Yeshu followers in Indonesia
