Old Catholic and Philippine Independent Ecclesiologies in History

This study researches the historical development of the self-understanding of the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht and the Iglesia Filipina Independiente. Throughout the 20th century, both churches have been in a developing relationship with each other, resulting in full communion in 1965. In the same time period, both churches developed an ecclesiological self-understanding in which an ecclesiology of the national church gradually gave way to an ecclesiology of the local church. By outlining this development for each of these two churches and comparing the developments, the study gives insight both into the individual development of the two churches involved and shows how these developments relate to each other. In this way, the study presents a new historical portrait of these churches and their self-understanding.
The book costs $217 USD or €159.00. If you are interested in the book but cannot afford it, consider recommending this book to your local library. You can do that from this website: Brill
Peter-Ben Smit, Ph.D. (2005) in Theology, University of Bern; Habilitation (2009) in Theology, University of Bern; Th.D. in Anglican Studies (2011), General Theological Seminary, New York City, is Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies at VU University Amsterdam, Professor of Early Catholic Ecclesiology and Old Catholicism at Utrecht University, and Assistant Rector of the Old Catholic Parish of Amsterdam.
No. 49 Canon Law in Ecclesiological Context
On Friday December 2 the Center for Religion and Law at the Free University and the Old Catholic Seminary organized a Friday afternoon reading about the new book by Prof. J. Hallebeek: Canon law in ecclesiological context. An introduction to the canon law of the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands (Sliedrecht / Amersfoort: Book Merwe / Old Catholic Central Book House, 2011) (Publication Series Old Catholic Seminary 49). The meeting starts at 15:00 pm in BV-0H21 (Bellevue Building, next to the Main Building), De Boelelaan, Amsterdam.

The book is written in Dutch and € 27.95 which can be purchased with an international credit card at: Bookstore
Prof. Jan Hallebeek is Professor of European Law at the Faculty of Law of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and professor of canon law at the Old Catholic Seminary.
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