Monday, November 22, 2010

Synod: Strong Foundations in the Netherlands

(Amersfoort) "We stand together." This is how the Old Catholic Archbishop Joris Vercammen is feeling after the synod which was held last Saturday. 'Growth' and financial resources were the key of the church meeting.

This keyword, growth has been playing an important role for some time in the Old Catholic Church in the Netherlands (OKKN). The small denomination is struggling with a poor financial situation and is asking for action. The past year was the starting point of a new policy and produced results. "We've learned the last few years," says Vercammen, "that growth is associated with an inner conviction and that growth does not come by itself, it must be worked at."

The financial situation of the church is becoming increasingly better and in more than half the parishes during these recent years, having seen its membership grow.

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