Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where are the members of the Church of Christ in this time?

As we celebrate 140 years of the Old Catholic Church in Austria we ask, "Where is Christ's church heading at this time?" This question is a theme of our anniversary, it is a question to which - first of all - there is no clear answer, but it is a question to be asked, especially in this day and age. Yes, of course the direction of the church has many divergent forces. It often seems as if the breath of the Holy Spirit leads the ship of the church with no clear direction. There are numerous conferences and discussions in the ecumenical field, but especially in the Utrecht Union of Old Catholic Churches. This theme also affects the members of the church and especially the church leaders, bishops and synods.

Our question actually provokes another question: Where are the members of the Church of Christ in this time, What direction do the individual church members see in the church? As in all areas, we humans have very different opinions, and especially when it comes to the church and faith. Perhaps it is clear, when the person to the right and left of us in the pews pray the Creed. Some of them are willing profess it, because it is among the venerable treasures of our Church. Some people say it because it is long life habit, because - without thinking about why - we feel it just belongs to a complete service. Others are divided. Some people may struggle with the first sentence,  Creator of heaven and earth, and others may question the virgin birth, so what do we do? Still others find their anger that they should be constantly tied to something that is foreign to them, while others may hold the Creed as an internal discipline. And still others say even in the silence as they stand well outside the boundaries of the Church, when the creed is the connection among the Christians.

Answers to the question "Where is the Church of Christ in this time?" Could therefore postulate depend on the different opinions of church members and the claim: "It is the responsibility of the Church to conform to the present time, the modern people and their way of life and clean up old records and phrases - in short: The Church of our needs has to satisfy today'. When the Pope visited Germany last month was indeed exactly such a claim of the church members which had been formulated against the Pope: the Church has the needs of people today to satisfy! Satisfy the needs, sounds quite cheap and one-sided. The church leaders must look at each case to maintain dialogue with the church and members. But the church is not man-made institution, not a club. The church is not meant to satisfy needs, but to celebrate, especially mysteries. Here, dear sisters and brothers, we are at the heart of the matter. And it's useful to be aware, particularly in connection with our celebration of it. If we humans ask "Where is the Church,"  we express the need for a guide. We are looking for guidance during the confusion of our time and our world.

We are now call to mind that we are celebrating in Austria the 140 years the Old Catholic Church, and bring to attention just one of the most important landmarks of the church, the church service. In the celebration of God's Word and the Eucharist, prayer and singing of songs we actually live spirituality. The spirituality meets a need of many people of our time. This is evidenced by the bookstore shelves today, there are a lot of books on spiritual topics. What is important now, however, is that we not only to read such books, but to live the spirituality with other people in the community of worship and the whole church and celebrate this faith.

There are people who criticize and complain, that the service is always the same. This is true, so we can train our ability to focus and spirituality, much like we do for the mental and physical fitness. But the proclamation of the Gospel message each time draws attention to another aspect. The readings also show for today's feast:

There is this famous and popular Psalm 23 in which the Lord is represented as a shepherd who cares for us, protects us in our lives, comforts us in dark and difficult times, and strengthens, refreshes and nourishes our souls, so that we lack nothing and we are safe in it. In this psalm also appears the signs by which we have earlier expressed our need. It is the shepherd himself in verse 3 it says: "He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name" The Good Shepherd shows us the way and lead us so that our lives can succeed. But we must keep asking ourselves whether we really move forward on this right path, if we let ourselves be guided by the shepherd, if we have learned to listen to his voice.

Even the teachers of the law, we meet in Luke's Gospel for today's feast is, the question of whether he is on the right path. With his question, what he must do to gain eternal life, but he puts Jesus to the test. This question, however, is asked in return: "What does the Law say? What do you read there? Immediately comes the detailed response of the teacher of the Law: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart and soul, with all your strength and all thy mind, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. The teachers of the law therefore knows perfectly well where the meaning of life can be found: in the love of God, to themselves and to others. All people know that a meaningful life has something to do with love. If we were to ask random people how to imagine a meaningful and happy life, then hardly anybody's money, external beauty and the power would be at the center. We all know that true happiness is only in the gift-giving and love and can be found in healthy, redemptive relationships. The commandment of love is all that is written into the human heart.

So what is direction of Church of Christ? Or: Where is the leadership of the Church of Christ at this time? When it comes to the church it is not merely a secular society, a club, but about the church, which is the Body of Christ, then the answer is clear. The Church as a whole, its members, part of the Body of Christ must be guided in all their actions, thoughts and feelings to the Lord the Church of Jesus Christ. He is the guide for us. It indicates the direction. We must follow him. He told us: "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father except through me" (Jn 14, 6).

+ Fritz-René Müller
Bishop Emeritus of the Old Catholic Church of Switzerland

[Translated poorly by Fr. Jakob Lazarus. It is not a good translation but it was too good of a homily not to attempt a translation] 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dr. Peter-Ben Smit: The New Testament Canon in the Early Church

"The New Testament Canon in the Early Church: Development and Significance"
On November 30, 2011, theologian Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit gives his inaugural address at Utrecht University. He will examine how the canon of the New Testament was created in the early church, and how the function of the canon was the explanation - or exegesis - of Scripture. 
Can something come about by human hands and become absolute authority? And how earlier generations and interpreting communities determine how a text is read? These questions are in the background when it comes to the formation of the biblical canon in the early church, and the historical and theological importance.
Smit states in his speech it is not the form or extent of the canon which is of central importance in the early church "canonical exegesis, but rather the interaction between text, faith and community. This thesis brings it into dialogue with current biblical studies and church history and tradition of the ancient Catholic practice of theology."
The lecture is open to the public.
Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit professor at Utrecht University Foundation for the Old Catholic Seminary, teaching in the Old Catholic Church structures (as well as holding doctrines and history of Old Catholicism). He fulfills his teaching at the Faculty of Humanities, Department of Religious Studies and Theology. 
Recently published by him, Old Catholic and Philippine Independent Ecclesiologies in HistoryThe Catholic Church in Every Place Brill's Series in Church History 52 (Leiden: Brill, 2011) and Franz Segbers: Alberto B. Ramento. Bishop of Workers and Peasants. A prophetic testimony of a bishop and his church (Hilversum / Goes Sync. Creative Productions / Nilsson, 2011).

Monday, November 28, 2011

Interview with the Bp. Ludwig Michael Jaklonski, of the Mariavite Old Catholics

[please forgive my poor translation]

The last, 26 meetings of the mixed committee for theological dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and the Old Catholic Church Mariavites has held in Wloclawek.
Those who took part in the dialogue were Michael Bishop Louis Mary Jablonski (Old Catholic Church's chief bishop Mariavites RP, Bishop of the Diocese of Warsaw-Plock), Bishop Bronislaw Dembowski (Professor papal theological faculty in Warsaw). The ceremonial meeting was also attended by Bishop Piotr Libera of Plock.

CONVERSATION WITH Maria Ludwig Michael Jablonski

Rafal Kowalski: Did the deliberations of the committee bring the Roman Catholic and Mariavite Old Catholic communities nearer or more further apart?
Michael Bishop Louis Mary Jablonski: The differences remained. The Roman Catholic Church continues to uphold the decision of 1906 of excommunication St.Mary Frances Kozlowska, founder of the Mariavites. Although it was emphasized that the excommunication does not apply to now living Mariavites. We, in turn, do not accept the findings of Vatican Council I concerning the primacy and infallibility of the pope.This does not mean that there is a gulf between us. On the contrary, one and the other party are of the opinion to emphasize what is common. Mariavites and Roman Catholics recognize seven such sacraments, celebrate Mass., Adoring the Blessed Sacrament, veneration of Our Lady. At the same time celebrate Christmas, Easter and Corpus Christi. It is worth quoting the words of Mary Frances Kozlowska: "How the hope in the coming of the Messiah-King of the Jews failed, faith in the dogmas of the division of nations, so love unites all." And at the end of the meeting the committee hear words referring to the reconciliation of Christians: "We believe and confess together that reconciliation, if it occurs, is not only our human work, but primarily the work of the Holy Spirit.".

As Bishop how do you react, to seeing Roman Catholics coming to the temple to pray Mercy and Love?
- I see nothing surprising in this. They are attracted by the atmosphere of our church and know that God is one. In every temple of the Christian cross hanging reminiscent of the saving sacrifice of the Son of God. I think it dispels doubts Skępego annual pilgrimage to which a number of years stopped briefly in front of our cathedral to honor the presence of the Eucharist, the Saviour of the World. It is worth noting that our temple invariably attracts tourists and płocczan. You should have seen the crowds of participants walking holiday, which was organized recently.

Despite this, Bishop meets with Mariavites stereotypes?- Perhaps in Polish society, which is the dominant Roman Catholic church, still remembers the founder mariawityzmu only as a person was anathema, does not recognize her revelations - the work of the Grand Charity as a last resort for the world in reverence for the Blessed Sacrament and the invocation of Our Help of God. We continue to occur over time in some publications - or in the history of the parish, in which a Mariavitism - information that we heresy or sect. Mariawitom sometimes attributed to events that never took place. Here's an example. In the history of a parish located in Warsaw, was the information about the alleged burning of the church by Mariavites. By moving this matter at a meeting of the committee, Bishop Bronislaw Dembowski action and my humble self, managed to remove offensive Mariavites text. And one more thing: could hardly anyone knows, but close to us in the church of St. Bartholomew on one of the side altars placed an image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help offered by Saint. Frances Maria Kozlowska. It is our common Mother of God and let connects us all Christians.

From these negative voices on Mariavites?- Maybe there is lingering approach to minorities? Yes it is still, unfortunately, that when we see someone on the street with a different skin color, at least to wonder.But this is changing. Even in Plock, as evidenced by at least an annual week ecumenical, Catholic-mariawicka commission or pilgrimage to Skępego said. Yes, it happens that we smash the glass. But I hope it's only a hooligan behavior.

It is difficult to maintain such a large church?
- It is not easy. Effort to maintain the Temple of Mercy and Love with the monastery complex is incumbent upon all the faithful of our Church. In Plock, there are about a hundred. In 2014 we will celebrate our centenary building of the cathedral, and I hope that by then we will get sufficient funds to complete renovation of the monument. Needed are a lot of money, but I always have to have hope. Therefore I would like to express my gratitude to the authorities for the renovation of the existing Plock installation illuminating the dome of the temple and for bearing the costs of its maintenance. Due to these acts of vandalism I hope also that will be installed close monitoring.

Religions for Peace

This coming Thursday, 1 December 2011, the group "Religions for Peace" celebrates in Regensburg its 20th anniversary. Bishop Matthias Ring will attend the ceremony, which will take place in the ballroom of Regensburg Thon-Dittmer-Palais.Regensburg as a pastor he was Vice Chairman of RFP Regensburg.
The Religions for Peace group in Regensburg began with a common prayer for peace of over five hundred people of different faiths and religions on the eve of the Gulf War in 1991. Since then, the Regensburg group well over a hundred events have played in dialogue with religious communities in the city. The focus of the "RFP Regensburg group" is the monthly meeting with people of other religions in the religious centers of Regensburg. The multi-faith prayer for peace with participants from at least four major religions is the annual highlight of the meeting work. The Old Catholic Church is an active member since 1993. RFP is an international organization in 1970 as an accredited at the United Nations NGO (Non Governmental Organization) was constituted.

Bishop Dr. Ring at Jewish ordination ceremony

Rabbi Dr. Walter Homolka 

On 23 November  five graduates of Abraham Geiger College at the University of Potsdam Rabbis were ordained. The ordination ceremony was attended by Bishop Matthias Ring.

The Old Catholic Diocese has good and friendly relations with the Abraham Geiger College. The rector of the college, Dr. Walter Homolka, took part in the 2010 Episcopal consecration of Dr. Matthias Ring in Karlsruhe and spoke a word of blessing. The Pastoral Synod in Bad Herrenalb in 2000, took place  in the presence of Chief Rabbi Dr. Homolka, a clear acknowledgment of guilt for the failure of the Old Catholic Church in the era of National Socialism. The then Bishop Joachim VoBB then said in his speech to launch the request for forgiveness: "It was not just the fault of this or that Christians, this or that Old Catholics, the personal debt that the parties must agree with themselves or had . There was and is also the fault of the institution and its official representatives in official mission! It was founded by pastors and synodal bodies here and there hailed the dawn of the new era! It was the public position of some abused for praise of the leader. ... It was not stopped even before the Holy: Chance were sermons misused for propaganda, sacraments, to the exclusion of "Bishop VoBB emphasized at the time, with a few exceptions had to find a reasonably bold statements or at least clear delineation attempts of the Church in the period in question compared to the Nazis in vain. Bishop Matthias Ring has written a dissertation published in 2008 about the Old Catholic Church in Germany in the era of National Socialism.

Five years of lesbian and gay services in Karlsruhe

For five years, the Old Catholic Church in Karlsruhe is the host of the so-called "Queer services" that are held about every two months in the Old Catholic Church of the Resurrection. To mark the anniversary, Bp. Matthias  Ring attended the church service.

Dialogue between Roman Catholic and Old Catholic Church continues

Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, together with Msgr. Matthias Türk, the delegation of the Old Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Union of Utrecht was received for an interview in Rome. The Old Catholic Archbishop Joris Vercammen delegation comprised Chairman of the Old Catholic Bishops 'Conference of the Union of Utrecht, Prof. Urs von Arx, University of Bern, and the Rev. Joan L. Jebelean from Lucerne, ecumenical officer of the Old Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Union of Utrecht.

The representatives of the two churches informed each other about the reception of the report "Church and Community Church" of the International Joint Commission Römisch-katholisch/Alt-katholischen . The conversation took place in a very cordial and trusting atmosphere. It is understood that it was chosen with the work of the Commission's "Dialogue in Truth and Love" managed to create a new basis of mutual trust, which will be further expanded.

There was an exchange about the current state of ecumenical talks between the two churches with other churches. The reasoning of the Old Catholic side, possibly to act as observers in the Old Catholic / Roman Catholic dialogues with the Orthodox and Anglicans, is checked with the dialogue partners.

It was further noted that the issue is the relationship between universal and local Church is the most important problem of the dialogue. This ratio should be related to the primacy issue here. Even the early church consensus "no Eucharist community without a church community" deserves more attention, listening in connection with the discussions between the Catholic Diocese of Old Catholics in Germany and the Evangelical Church in Germany, which took place in 1985 and to an "agreement on a reciprocal invitation have led to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist. " Even the church communion between Anglicans and Old Catholics should be addressed. Other topics to be addressed are the issues of women's ordination and the Marian dogmas.

Finally, the delegations agreed to continue the work of the Commission the text of "Church and Community Church." A new international dialogue commission will start working in early 2012. In addition, the text "Church and Community Church" will soon be in English and French are available.

German Old Catholic awarded for work in Rwanda

Old-Catholic Volunteer receives Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for volunteer work in Rwanda.

25-year-old Saskia Scholten wins along with 13 other young women and men of the Federal President Christian Wulff with the Medal of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. The ceremony will took place in the park of Schloss Bellevue. The awardees are all 25 to 31 years old. Overall, the President has invited 170 young people committed to the celebration. Saskia Scholten has worked in a special way for partnership working in Rwanda.

Saskia Scholten was born in 1986 in Landau. Their spiritual roots lie in the Old Catholic parishes in Landau and Karlsruhe. Since 1993 she is member of the German scouts St. George. "The scouts I've learned with open eyes to go through life, to look and me to form my opinion - but to stand and to act accordingly," said Ms. Scholten. She was one of 200,000 Scouts and Boy Scouts in Germany, the world would leave little better than they found them ..

In 2005, she went through a volunteer service for five months after Rwanda. There she has taught include AIDS orphans in English. She describes her experiences in a Rwanda-diary (published in Iatros-Verlag). The proceeds from the book sale is a social project for orphans in the twin city of Landau, Ruhango benefit. In January 2011, Ms. Scholten finished her psychology degree and continuing to make a psychological psychotherapist.

"I can hardly believe that I was just selected" as Saskia Scholten. "To a certain extent I take the Merit also representative of many Scouts and Girl Scout, and otherwise contrary to Committed."

The other awardees are committed to including environmental and climate change, international and intercultural youth work, in the prevention of sexual violence, for children of parents who died of AIDS in the volunteer fire department and in the international dialogue among Christian youth.

Bp. Alberto Ramento martyr, the bishop of the workers and peasants

This fall, Old Catholics in the Netherlands remember  the five years since Bishop Ramento was murdered in the Philippines. The Old Catholic Church in Amsterdam celebrates a Mass for Bishop Alberto B. Ramento and other martyrs for justice and peace.

That afternoon, a book about Bishop Ramento was presented as a small monument. It is a tribute to someone who was a shepherd for his people and set an example for everyone who has taken on ecclesiastical office.
Five years ago, Bishop Alberto Ramento killed for his testimony. With more conviction than ever the Philippine Independent Church chooses to stand on the side of the poor. Violence has an incompatible alliance with Christianity and those who are oppressed. The book is about this alliance. There are texts written by Bishop Ramento himself and others that followed his tragic death have brought their relationship into words. Our hope is that the publication of these texts in Dutch may encourage us all more to the "alliance": the poor in the Philippines in particular, and with all who suffer for righteousness in general.
The price of the book is 15.95 euro (excl. shipping). The next week will be ordered through the webshop. The bishops have requested during the service on October 9 not only to being the book to attention to the parish but also to bring Bishop Ramento and other martyrs for justice and peace to our prayers.

Its German title is: "Catholic at the time of globalization. In memory of Bishop Alberto Ramento martyr, the bishop of the workers and peasants". The book is also being translated into French.

Church in Zaandam back into use

It is not often anymore, but the Old Catholic parish in Zaandam will again use the Mary Magdalene church. The organ was restored and the interior renovated.
Since the merger of two parishes in 1978, the church in Zaandam was no longer in use as a parish. But the parish board of Krommenie believes that at least once a month Mass can be held for parishioners interested in Zaandam. These churches are courageous for attempting this expansion at this difficult time.

After the reformation in 1574, Catholics were no longer allowed to go to church in their familiar St. Mary Magdalen Church. This church was stripped of its altar and its images.The church was like any other Catholic churches in the state church of the Reformed or Calvinists.
It lasted until 1630 when a priest from Purmerend came to Zaandam on the calf farm in a remote place where he could keep his services. This is quite late compared Krommenie where this took place in 1612 on a similar farm.
A small church was built in 1652. A real and larger church was only built in 1695 at the Jacob Dirkxpad. There was a lot of pressure not to have this church  but it was still allowed. Here one can hardly speak of clandestine church.
In 1725 the building after some struggles by the mayor and elders assigned the church to the Roman Catholic Bishops of the Old Clergy, who later were called  Old Catholics. It was not until 1798 that religious freedom was guaranteed.
In 1806 the gallery has been removed and the organ was transferred in 1809 from the then closed hidden churches.
The Zaandam Mary Magdalene parish in 1978 merged with the parish of St. Nikolaus of Krommenie.
This church has not been back in use because of its state of dilapidation, and there was a plan to demolish the church and a new building to put there. By matter of Conservation and several charitable organizations, this building has been saved.
The church space is difficult to describe, one must in its serenity and stillness, experience its beauty with its antique furniture and paintings.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Old and New Catholics

Bishop Vercammen's book "Old and new Catholics the spiritual quest of other Catholics " is now available through the webshop .Price:  € 15.95 excl shipping (with postage € 18.00). 
A good mission statement of the Old Catholic Church and material for discussion.

The traditional churches have a hard time. Amid the turbulent developments in culture and society they fail to speak to the world in a positive way. Life has not become any less complex, in recent decades. That just makes the need for great inspiration. Fortunately, most people have everything they need to live comfortably. But it is this gnawing spiritual need which is not satisfied. Sometimes faith communities respond to this, but often it seems that the church has not been able to create that space. Catholic spirituality holds freedom as a central element of the faith. The freedom allows us to be connected to one another. Catholicism connects  the culture and society, with fellow-believers in global Christianity, and all their churches, but also with other religions. In that connection we find each other in church meeting rooms, conversations and celebrations. Such a church offers the space for believers to decipher traces of the Trinity. Such a church builds from the bottom up. In this way it contributes to the quality of life and the dignity of the living. The Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands knows how to serve that ideal. Old and New Catholic outlines the spiritual quest of the 'other Catholics'. As a contribution to a modern Catholic religious experience "homegrown". Valkhof Press Edition.ISBN 9789056253530.